
Being Proud.

Hi. I'm proud of myself due to something that happened recently. One of my articles was published! Sure to most it's only a minor feat, but to me, it's such a tremendous accomplishment. That article is my first piece of work that has ever gotten published. As a writer, I felt a great deal of joy when I received the fantastic news that my journalism teacher wanted to publish an article that I wrote. Well, that's all I have to say for now. Goodbye.



Hello. I know the title might confuse most so I'll explain the meaning later on. I just received some wonderfully happy news: my friend and I are going to continue writing the story we started long ago! It'll hopefully become a novel that most teens can relate to. Maybe. The whole story line revolves around the joys and disappointments of high school. And as for writing on my own, I still am not sure what story to focus on. Now for what everyone has probably been waiting for: an explanation of the title of today's blog post. "Hummingbird" is a song that I am absolutely in love with. The song is by Never Shout Never, an amazing and extremely talented band. I adore the beginning of the song the most, when it starts as, "I like you." That one line makes the song such a beautiful masterpiece. The whole song is quite enchanting. Charming. Captivating. All of those adjectives describe "Hummingbird" perfectly, without error. I better go. Goodbye.