
The Power of Music.

Hello. Like I previously mentioned in my first post, I'm a huge music lover. The songs I place on repeat on my precious iPod tend to represent the mood I'm in. There are so many different ways to cope with stress and worry; some turn to quite negative things for the happiness they desire. I on the other hand depend on music to calm me down when I'm at my breaking point. I admit, I have the tendency to have a bit of a temper; music helps me get the relaxation I love. The most amazing, perfect feeling, to me, is when you're listening to a song and it relates to whatever horrid situation that you're dealing with at the time. When you can relate to the lyrics, it changes your mood and helps you see things in a new light. Music is the perfect stress reliever. It helps relieve you from all the anxieties that plague your mind and keeps you optimistic about your current troubles. Right now, a song that I am in love with is "Somebody I Used to Know" by Gotye. What's a song that you feel has really affected you?


The Joys of Writing.

Writing, why do I love it? Because in doing that, I can let go of countless confusing, mixed up feelings that I've been holding in for quite some time. It serves as a very effective stress reliever. I can release everything I've held in; I can rant and complain as much as I desire without any whining from the confidant, my notebook. To summarize, writing is a fantastic way for me to express my troubling, upsetting, irrational feelings. Does anyone else feel this way about a certain hobby? 


Lack of Ideas.

Oh dear. I have a bit of an issue. I have completely run out of ideas for my next journalism article! I don't know what to do! Ideas, ideas, ideas, how I dearly need a few! Maybe reading some poetry might help. Well, better start writing!

Hello There.

Hello there dear friends. I am starting over, a fresh start. This blog now has a purpose. Not for complaining or whining, but to inspire. So, I better give you guys an introduction. My name is Maria. Hello. I'm a high schooler that has a bit of a music obsession. I am deeply in love with bands like Panic! At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Good Charlotte, My Chemical Romance, Green Day, etc. My favorite movie is Keith. Jesse McCartney is absolutely perfection in that movie. My favorite color is red. It's such a delight. My favorite book is To Kill A Mockingbird. It's a beloved masterpiece. My favorite animal is the owl because they are wise and knowledgeable. They are mysterious too. Also, you must know that I love to write. It is my passion. My role model is indeed Edgar Allan Poe. He was such an astonishing writer. I love all of his amazing works. Let me be honest with everyone: I'm not going to post every day. But I will promise one thing: I will (hopefully) write a wonderfully magnificent post every Saturday. Well, so long!